Tuesday, July 29, 2008

4 Things Worship Team Members Should Know

Last weekend, the Creative Worship Department organized a 2 day Empowerment Seminar to inspire and equip the members of the department. The group had representation from the musicians, worship leaders, sound technicians, dancers and drama sections. I shared a short word with them - 4 things they should know about the worship ministry.

1. We are Dealers in Hope and Peace in Jesus.
Our ministry is to offer hope and peace. There needs to be a clear and strong message that encourages and brings people to turn to Jesus. The lyrics of the songs needs to be biblical based and yet relevant to the needs of the listeners. It is more than a feel good session and a sing, clap along time. We are ministers of God, binding their wounds and helping them to stand strong during storms.

2. We are Carriers of God's presence.
Our ministry is an extension of our relationship with God. To have a visitation of God during the services, the worship team must be walking with God and playing their instruments with the fulness of God's presence. The congregation needs to see God at work IN us before they can see God's work THROUGH us. Waiting before God precedes singing, serving, playing for God. Prayer is primary. Prayer primes our spirit to hear a fresh word or sound to be released prophetically. The congregation hungers for a real touch of God, where He breaks through the normal hum drum of church meetings. Give them food from above, not just any food.

3. We are Showcase Mirrors.
In a house, there are many mirrors. There are mirrors in the bedrooms, bathrooms and passage ways. But the mirror in the living room is likely the most beautiful mirror that the owner of the house will put out in display. This is done because that's the place where guests are received and it adds beauty to the room and the whole house. Music team members need to understand that they have the opportunity to stand on stage, under spotlights, viewed by the entire congregation. Many faithful leaders in other ministries do not frequently have such attention in the church. This special privilege comes with responsibilities.

Those who step up on stage are the like the special showcase mirrors. Visitors come to the common conclusion that those on stage are the church's cream of the crop in talent and character. They have been screened through, equipped and endorsed by the leadership That's why they are there. The worship team therefore reflects on all the other church ministries. It gives the first impression of the church. When there is excellence and genuineness on stage, the audience will gather that this is probably so in the other church ministries.

4. We are Pace Setters
The high visibility of the worship ministry is a great place to set the standard for the rest of the ministries. When the worship department shows a high level of commitment, the commitment level of other ministries rises. When the level drops, the other ministries are affected. This goes the same for creativity, excellence and unity among the worship team. Why is that so? Because, all the rest of the congregation and church department members watch and know what is going on the stage. The attitude on stage affects the attitude in the pews and the rest of the church - cells, youths, children...etc

The worship team impacts not only the worship atmosphere of the church. Its influence is much wider. This may be looked upon as an added pressure because of the high expectations but when viewed positively, worship members can count it a privilege that they can be a source of inspiration and model effective ministry for the whole church. Let's minister with honor, humility and serve to lift the name of Jesus high.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Where is the Passion?

Here we go again, another song, another service. Simply dry, impassioned participation from the congregation. A worship service has got to be more than a spiritual karaoke session. Where is the passion in worship? Some have passion for food, others have passion for sport, still others have passion for fashion and rock music....and the list goes on. You can detect passion. There is increased energy. The heart races with excitement. Dedication follows. Passion is fire to the soul. Passion for lesser things in life, but where is the passion for God in worship?

Worship is a time where blood-bought sinners come and belt out their gratitude to God. From a hopeless, sin damaged individual, Jesus transforms us and gives us an amazing new life and future. Every thing we could imagine and needed, is now made real in Jesus. Christians have every reason to celebrate and rejoice in their wonderful Savior.

Isaiah speaks of worship in the temple where the the sound of the voices of the heavenly worshippers shook the doorposts and threshold of the temple and smoke filled it.(Isa.6) They sang with such fervor and commitment. Rivers of praise flowed abundantly to the majestic God. The temple was filled with worship and the Lord responded by revealing His glorious presence.

Yes, we need to be fully engaged with God during worship. Express freely and express deeply. Don't bottle up or be afraid of your emotions. Let your flesh do the holy thing and that is to praise your Maker and Savior. Lift up your hands, break out into a dance, rejoice exuberantly or fall on your face, let the tears flow unashamedly. Let your mind be fully captured by the Lord and your heart in deep reverence for Him. Shake off the restrains. Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom (2 Cor.3:17). Freedom to worship. Freedom to express your love to God. Freedom to boast of the greatness of our Lord.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Nice songs, ...but....

I walked into a church in Singapore and I was pleasantly greeted by a number of people. A sister then invited me to sit with the interpreter because the speaker may speak in Tagalog. When the service started, the 4 piece band without a drummer and a drum set(because the hall was small), and 4 singers led us into a time of singing. They sang all English songs and some were new to me.
I enjoyed the singing, nice songs...but....no time was given for worship. I left the service feeling dissatisfied. I presume that the Lord would have felt the same way too. So close to God, yet missing out on the right response to God.

Singing is not synonymous with worship. Singing is nice and enjoyable if it was just a song service. Worship is what the Lord is looking for. Singing opens our hearts to God so that we can enter in deeper with our hearts and minds awed by the presence of the Living God. Worship leaders have a duty to lead us into God's presence, not simply to lead us in a couple of songs. Christians have to take the privilege of worship seriously and commune with God heart to heart, spirit to spirit. John 4:23-24 says that
1. God is spirit
2. Worship must be 'in spirit and in truth'
3. God is seeking for worshippers. He is specifically looking for true worshippers.
He is not looking for songs, not even nice songs, not wonderful 4 part singing, not a good song service. He is looking for WORSHIPPERS who worships Him deeply and passionately.

I believe the members of the above church were sincere and they love God. How wonderful it would be if they were led into worshipping the Lord in His holy presence. What rapturous joy they would experience when the glory of God is made more manifest among them. Lord, answer this prayer that they will grow to become true worshippers - the kind that you are looking for.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Where are the Worshippers?

The worship band is playing enthusiastic praise songs. The rhythm is upbeat and driving. The sound is loud. The volume is turned on full. But the hall is just a quarter full. Where are the worshippers? The service has been running for 15 minutes and the church members are still in their vehicles travelling on open roads. No traffic jams. Worse still, some have not left their homes and contemplating if they should give the service a skip. Others are fellowshipping in the hallways and parking lots.
35 minutes into the service, the hall is now packing up. The majority of the members have arrived to hear the message of the day. Sigh.... worship is just relegated to be simply a time filler before the preaching.

Late before the King of kings? How can that be? Should it be tolerated. Absolutely no!
But this is the common scene played out weekly in many churches.There are many members but few worshippers. We have forgotten the primacy of reverencing God.

You see, worship requires sacrifice. We prefer to receive from the message.
Worship requires effort and concentration. We prefer to chill out in our seats and let the preacher sweat out to deliver the word.
In worship - God is the center.
In preaching - the preacher is the attraction.

This weekend when you attend the church, will you go as a worshipper or just as a member to suck up new data? Well, if you do go as a worshipper, then arrive early. Choose to enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise. By the way, God is looking for true worshippers and not simply attending members. John4:23