1. We are Dealers in Hope and Peace in Jesus.
Our ministry is to offer hope and peace. There needs to be a clear and strong message that encourages and brings people to turn to Jesus. The lyrics of the songs needs to be biblical based and yet relevant to the needs of the listeners. It is more than a feel good session and a sing, clap along time. We are ministers of God, binding their wounds and helping them to stand strong during storms.
2. We are Carriers of God's presence.
Our ministry is an extension of our relationship with God. To have a visitation of God during the services, the worship team must be walking with God and playing their instruments with the fulness of God's presence. The congregation needs to see God at work IN us before they can see God's work THROUGH us. Waiting before God precedes singing, serving, playing for God. Prayer is primary. Prayer primes our spirit to hear a fresh word or sound to be released prophetically. The congregation hungers for a real touch of God, where He breaks through the normal hum drum of church meetings. Give them food from above, not just any food.

3. We are Showcase Mirrors.
In a house, there are many mirrors. There are mirrors in the bedrooms, bathrooms and passage ways. But the mirror in the living room is likely the most beautiful mirror that the owner of the house will put out in display. This is done because that's the place where guests are received and it adds beauty to the room and the whole house. Music team members need to understand that they have the opportunity to stand on stage, under spotlights, viewed by the entire congregation. Many faithful leaders in other ministries do not frequently have such attention in the church. This special privilege comes with responsibilities.
Those who step up on stage are the like the special showcase mirrors. Visitors come to the common conclusion that those on stage are the church's cream of the crop in talent and character. They have been screened through, equipped and endorsed by the leadership That's why they are there. The worship team therefore reflects on all the other church ministries. It gives the first impression of the church. When there is excellence and genuineness on stage, the audience will gather that this is probably so in the other church ministries.
4. We are Pace Setters
The high visibility of the worship ministry is a great place to set the standard for the rest of the ministries. When the worship department shows a high level of commitment, the commitment level of other ministries rises. When the level drops, the other ministries are affected. This goes the same for creativity, excellence and unity among the worship team. Why is that so? Because, all the rest of the congregation and church department members watch and know what is going on the stage. The attitude on stage affects the attitude in the pews and the rest of the church - cells, youths, children...etc
The worship team impacts not only the worship atmosphere of the church. Its influence is much wider. This may be looked upon as an added pressure because of the high expectations but when viewed positively, worship members can count it a privilege that they can be a source of inspiration and model effective ministry for the whole church. Let's minister with honor, humility and serve to lift the name of Jesus high.